Assessment Advisory Group
The Assessment Advisory Group is an institutional body comprised of faculty and administrators
that reviews institutional assessment procedures to determine their effectiveness
and makes recommendations for changes to the President. In addition, it examines
assessment data to determine the extent to which the institution is meeting its strategic
Ongoing Goals
- To review the institutional assessment plan on a regular basis.
- To promote and support the LEAP goals.
- To review assessment procedures, including those for program review, core curriculum,
co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that support student learning, and provide
recommendations for improvement.
- To build capacity in assessment throughout the college.
- To review the recommendations of its sub-groups and advise on action steps.
- To advise on linking assessment, planning, and resource allocation.
- To encourage the use of assessment results to enhance academic practices, student
performance and institutional effectiveness.
- To promote a culture of evidence to support institutional goals.