
The purpose of the CARE Team (Community, Assessment, Response, Evaluation) is to identify as early as possible students who are in need of support to achieve success academically and/or socially as members of the 911黑料网 campus community. The purpose of the CARE Team includes coordinating the provision of various levels of intervention ranging from informal reminders to individual case management based upon evaluation of risk factors. The information that this Team discusses is confidential. 

Any Campus Community member can submit a notification report that will go directly to the Associate Dean & Chief Wellness Officer for review and referral to the CARE Team.

Reasons to refer a student to the CARE Team include:

  • Academic concerns, including academic performance and class attendance
  • Risk for transfer or withdrawal
  • Basic needs
  • Conduct or behavioral concerns
  • Wellness concerns

The CARE Team is comprised of key campus community members that can provide direction for referrals, interventions, and strategies for individual student success. This committee will meet regularly to address the CARE Team reports received and address trends as a proactive approach in support of student success. There could be a decision to request a CARE Team meeting for immediate review of report. There are times when additional members of the Community will be requested to join based on information received about a student(s).

  • Associate Dean & Chief Wellness Officer - Chair
  • Dean of Students
  • Dean of Academic Affairs 
  • Assistant Dean for Student Growth and Wellbeing
  • Director of TRiO Program
  • Director of Athletics
  • Director of Residence Life & Housing
  • Director of Disability Services
  • Executive Director for Student Persistence
  • Chief of Police

Additional Departments/Offices that can be requested to attend a meeting.

  • Faculty
  • Vice Provost for IEB      
  • Health Services
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Other Dept./ Campus Members as needed

CARE Team Notification Report

The CARE Team notification report is a valuable tool to help monitor students who are having academic and social concerns.  The CARE Team uses this notification in order to take concrete steps to assure that each student receives appropriate support.  The CARE Team report can be found on the 911黑料网 Portal page and the following link

Importance of Confidentiality 

Providing effective recommendations to improve student success requires the collection of information regarding academic and student life. Some of the information collected and discussed is protected under FERPA guidelines. CARE Team members recognize the sensitive and confidential nature of the information collected and discussed during CARE Team meetings and communications. Disclosure of protected information to necessary parties will be determined by the Dean of Students; with documentation of what material will be releases, to whom, and for what purpose.