Missing Student Policy


All campus community members are urged to make immediate notifications of any student (on-campus or off-campus) who may be a missing person to the 911 Department of Public Safety – Campus Police by using the department's Emergency Line at (413) 662-5100 or by dialing 911. Personnel designated as Campus Security Authorities (Campus Police, Residence Life & Housing staff, Student Affairs staff managing student conduct matters and student activities, Athletic Coaches and Human Resources staff) are mandated by federal law to immediately make such notifications to Campus Police.

In addition, you may want to file a missing person’s report to the following college officials.

Vice President of Student Affairs
3rd Floor, Campus Center
(413) 662-5231

Dean of Students 
3rd Floor, Campus Center
(413) 662-5231

Administrator on Call
3rd Floor, Campus Center
(413) 663-1594

Director, Residence Life & Housing
Townhouse 89
(413) 662-5249

The 911 Department of Public Safety – Campus Police complies with Public Law 108-21, Title II, Section 204, which is more commonly known as “Suzanne’s Law.”  This law amends Section 3701(a) of the Crime Control Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 5779(a)), so that there is no waiting period before a law enforcement agency initiates an investigation of a missing person under the age of 21 and reports the missing person to the National Crime Information Center of the Department of Justice.

When a report(s) of a missing student is received, the following procedures are generally followed:

  • Upon receipt of a report of a missing student, Campus Police Officers are immediately dispatched to the site of the complaint to conduct an initial assessment.
  • Once on scene, they are able to confirm the existence and nature of the missing person report and take appropriate action.  As soon as practical, the responding officer(s) will contact the Director of Public Safety.
  • An immediate and full investigation will occur to include interviews of roommates, friends, Residence Life & Housing staff, professors, advisors, etc.  Contact with local police agencies, hospitals, and any other resources will also be made.  Every effort will be taken to determine when and where the missing person was last seen, clothing description, daily routines, frame of mind, owned vehicles, class schedules, clubs, organizations, etc… that can lead to locating the missing person.
  • If the initial investigation reveals information that confirms the missing person report or the missing student’s health or safety may be in jeopardy for any reason, the Massachusetts State Police and the North Adams Police Department will be contacted for additional assistance.  Information gathered about the missing person will be posted on the National Crime Information System computer network, as well as with regional and local law enforcement computer networks. This will occur as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the person is confirmed missing.  A decision may be made to request the assistance of the local media in helping to locate a missing person.

Important Notes:  Each student has the option to register a confidential contact person to be notified in the case that student is determined to be missing.  Only authorized campus personnel and law enforcement officials, in furtherance of a missing person investigation, may have access to this contact person.  In the event a student does not designate such a confidential contact person, law enforcement will still be notified and fully investigate all reports of missing people.  The parents or guardians of students who are under the age of 18 and not emancipated must and will be contacted within the 24 hour time-frame.


911 will adhere to the following notification procedure for a missing student who resides in on campus housing.

  • Any reports of missing students are to be referred immediately to the 911 Department of Public Safety – Campus Police.  If, after investigating the report, it is determined that the student has been missing for up to 24 hours or if the determination occurs sooner, the Vice President of Student Affairs will contact the individual identified by the student or the custodial parent or legal guardian if the student is under the age of 18 and not emancipated.

Important Note: 911 reserves the right to contact family under emergency exceptions to FERPA law, when circumstances deem it appropriate to do so.