Office of Student Financial Services
Special circumstance appeal documentation
If you are doing a Special Circumstance Appeal for financial aid, you may need to submit documentation in order for us to consider your appeal. All documentation submitted to Student Financial Services is strictly confidential
and will only be used for the purposes of determining your appeal.
If you have questions about the Special Circumstance Appeal process or required documentation,
you may contact Student Financial Services at or 413.662.5230
Loss of employment or change in employment status
- Signed statement from the student/parent explaining reason for unemployment
- Detailed breakdown of projected yearly earnings
- Year-to-date pay stubs showing all income earned from work in 2023
- Copy of unemployment benefits statement
- Documentation of all untaxed income received in 2023
- Termination letter and/or any documentation regarding severance pay
Divorce or separation of student or parent
- Divorce - copy of divorce decree
- Separation - copy of legal separation document, a signed statement from your attorney
showing the date of separation, or a statement from an unrelated third party.
Death of a spouse or parent
- A death certificate or an obituary notice, if available, or letter from surviving
parent or other adult family member.
Loss of Untaxed Income
- A copy of a letter from the agency that provided benefits, detailing termination of
benefits, and copies of summaries of benefits
Unusual medical or dental bills
- A copy of Schedule A of the Federal 1040 form
- Canceled checks or receipts showing the amount paid Written explanation
One time payments that caused income to be over-reported on federal tax return
- Detailed written explanation and documentation
Other documentation
- Any relevant documentation which will support request for reconsideration